Title of book(s) read since last update: i've been working on the collection of essays by Polish actress Krystyna Janda and on Speak by Laurie Halse Andersen
Number of books finished since you started: 2
Pages read since last update: 46
Running total of pages read since you started: 401
Amount of time spent reading since last update: 40 minutes
Running total of time spent reading since you started: (keep track of this one to be eligible for a prize!) 5 hours 30 minutes
Mini-challenges completed: Intro Meme, Sarah's Foreign Language Mini-challenge, Grains of rice
Other participants you’ve visited: Nymeth, Alessandra, Lezlie, Sarah, Joanne, Valentina, J.C. Montgomery, Tammy, Iliana
Prize you’ve won: 0
I'm getting very tired and can't concentrate on reading anymore so I'm off to bed soon... will be back in the morning for the last stretch!
Have a good rest, Joanna!
Sleep well, Joanna! See you in the morning!
You're doing great! I hope you get some good rest and feel refreshed for the last stretch!
The rest will help you maximize the rest of your reading time. Sweet book dreams!
You've done really well so far, and you'll be able to pick it up again in the morning. Enjoy your rest!
Have a great sleep; you'll be all refreshed for the final stretch! :)
I hope you slept well and are feeling refreshed this morning!
Good luck for the rest of the Read-a-Thon and don't end up like this... http://www.ahajokes.com/crt579.html
Kim at Sophisticated Dorkiness
Well done on participating in the language challenge - and you saved your Polish reading for close to bed too, very brave :)
Hope you feel refreshed in the morning, and ready and raring to go again!!
Sarah (aka the naked translator)
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