The Mysterious Affair at Styles is the perfect mystery. It has plenty of conflict and emotion, it has loads of little clues and hints and it has Poirot, who I found to be delightful. One of his lines that I just had to jot down is what he said about using insomnia as an explanation for ones actions:
"Which is a very good, or a very bad explanation" remarked Poirot. "It covers everything, and explains nothing."Ha ha ha. The book is full of these one-liners. :-)
I was fooled till the end and kept suspecting everyone in turn, as I suppose I was meant to. What more could I want? I'll definitely read more Agatha Christie in the future!
Challenges: Genre Challenge, New Authors, Suspense and Thriller, Classics Challenge
Christie's novels are so entertaining! You're in for a treat with this author!
Lezlie - I'm defnitely looking forward to reading more of her stuff!
My mum loves Christie, so our home was filled with her novels. They were the first 'grown up books' I read as a child.
Lydia - lucky you, my first adult books were Danielle Steele! :-)
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