Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 Bookish Goals

Happy New Year everyone and welcome to my first post of 2012! I've been taking my time thinking about what I want this year's reading to be about and here's what I came up with:

  • I will only participate in a couple of challenges. I will no longer participate in any of the more general challenges, in any case. I haven't been even trying to complete them so there isn't much point. What I'll miss about participating in challenges is making lists so maybe I'll just make some lists for myself of books I want to read per genre this year... Hmmm, that sounds like fun!!
  • I would like to a participate in a read-along or two in theory, but I'm afraid of committing to something so specific, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to keep up and I don't want to put any extra pressure on myself because I don't have time to read. I'll see how it goes, maybe I'll try one and see how it goes.
  • I want to re-read several books this year. I haven't re-read anything in years and there are so many books that deserve it.
  • I want to read more classics. Now, this one is on my list every year, but it's always true.
  • I want to vary my reading more. I read mostly young adult and fantasy these days, which I think is because I'm so tired and generally overstretched all the time. But I want to make more of an effort to read more non-fiction and more non-YA or fantasy fiction.
  • I want to read more graphic novels - I like them, but read only one or two last year... I want to change that.
  • I want to read more poetry. Kailana was talking about this recently and it made me think. I used to love poetry, even used to write some (generally horrible) poems myself, but haven't read a single poem in years. Thing is, I think that poetry is way more fun to read in a group so that you can analyse together, so I'm waiting for someone to organise an event or read-along or something. :-)
Most of all though, I want to continue to enjoy my reading. I find that if I set too many goals then I end up forcing myself to read books that maybe I'm not in the mood for at that particular time. I don't want, I want to love my reading time. This means giving up on books that simply aren't doing it for me and not feeling guilty about it!

That's it, I think. I'm off to make some of my lists now!


Patty said...

I agree with you - it's important that whatever you, you do because you love it and because it's you! I'm a list person myself, and I find that it is perfect for making sure you'll continue enjoying reading!!!

Alex (The Sleepless Reader) said...

Sounds like a good plan, and some very similar to my own (re-reading, read-alongs).

Does Shakespeare count as poetry? I'm reading a couple of his plays this year.

Kailana said...

My poetry post turned into an event. Watch for the announcement on Saturday!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

These are great goals Joanna! I love making lists for the challenges, too, but I've found that's all I miss.

And I'm also trying to make a conscious effort of reading gift books sooner. Sometimes I'll go years and that's not really fair to the gifter...

I've been wanting to read Leaves of Grass again. Maybe a poetry event will give me the kick I need!

J.C. Montgomery said...

You can never go wrong being true to yourself. That and making your first priority to read because you love to not because you have to.

I love making lists. It does help keep me focused at times, however I can honestly say some of the best books I've read are because they were read on a whim.

You have wonderful goals and I hope whatever happens, you finish the year having read wonderful books - whether they were on your list or not.

Ana S. said...

Best of luck with your goals! Kelly and Lu's poetry event really is a great idea, and I'm sure it will do wonder for our motivation.

joanna said...

ataleofthreecities - Indeed, it's all about the enjoyment!

Alex - Shakespeare doesn't count Alex, unless you're reading his sonnets. :-) Which are also worth reading, bu the way!

Kailana - I'll check it out!

Trish - yeah, I always feel so bad not reading books people have given me!

J.C. Montgomery - I like lists but I don't like the pressure, like you I enjoy reading on a whim from time to time as well. I guess we need balance!

Nymeth - I guess I'll be seeing you in the poetry event then, yay!