I'm trying very hard to answer this before I read anyone else's answers... so as not to be swayed!
I have to admit that I'm more partial to female lead characters and don't have many male ones that I've been impressed by. I guess it's an identification thing, I often find male characters amusing or cool or "good people" but they don't stick with me like the female ones do.
Except for Henry from Audrey Niffenegger's The Time Traveller's Wife. I loved Henry. I remember dreaming about him, thinking about him and generally giving him room in my head as if he were real. I loved the book he was in, the story and the writing, but also his character in itself. He was strong when faced with a very strange problem. He tried to be strong for Claire when she needed him to be. He tried to shield her. He tried to be responsible during the times when the age difference between them was really big. I found him to be both sensitive and strong, which is a combination hard for me to resist in a man. He was very real to me and I felt a huge loss when the book ended.
I'm all emotional now!
You're absolutely right about Henry. I felt just like you about this novel and the man. Wonderful stuff.
You are the second one till now who wrote about Henry. I must read the book whih is lying with me for SO long!
Here is my BTT post!
Lesley - wonderful stuff indeed!
Gautami - I'm so jealous that you still have this book to experience! It's really worth getting to soon...
That is probably one of the best plugs for that book I've read so far! You almost had me crying! :D
Yes, another Henry fan!
Like you, I'm more interested in the female characters, I realised thinking about it over the last week that they are the ones I want to think about after the book is finished. The men are just a passing fancy!
Trish - oh don't cry! ;-) Althouh I'll admit that I was crying so hard I couldn't see anything anymore by the end of the book...
Val - Yep, there are many of us!
Geraniumcat - and that's how the world works! ;-)
I found this much more difficult as well, but Henry is a very interesting choice. I just don't think I could live with the uncertainty of it all.
Yes, Henry's a good choice.
I'm not familiar with Henry from Audrey Niffenegger's The Time Traveller's. But he sound like a great hero :)
Happy BTTs! Have a good Thursday!
I'm trying to answer this one now and I'm in the same quandary - the men are nowhere near as memorable as the women!
I'm going to have to read about Henry. He sounds like an interesting character.
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