It's the story of the girl who has everything. Except that she doesn't. I loved that an engaging author covered this topic - it's so easy to assume that people like Annabel really do have everything. And comforting to discover that everyone has more-or-less the same problems and concerns when growing up. The idea of the book applies to adults too - just because people don't talk about their problems doesn't mean they don't have any...
Blogging has made me discover a whole new genre, young adult books. I am so glad that I started reading these, sometimes a reminder of those early life lessons is a good thing. :-)
Challenges: A-Z Challenge
Have you read Dreamland? That's my only Sarah Dessen experience, and I was so absorbed in the story that I read it in one sitting.
I'm hoping to read this soon. I hope I enjoy it as much as you did!
I love the cover of your edition! I just picked up my first Dressen book--This Lullaby. I've heard that Just Listen is one of her bests, though.
Charley - no, I haven't but I will now! :-)
Nymeth - you'd like it!
Trish - I've never heard of that one, looking forward to your thoughts on it!
I'm so glad you enjoyed this Joanna. I never paid any attention to YA books until I saw them in the blogosphere as well.
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