So, Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas... this was a July read for me, I've just been away from a computer since then. I can't say that I loved it, although I wanted to. I liked Odd, but I wasn't completely engrossed by the story, which is what I expected. Odd can see dead people and this ability helps him solve certain crimes. It also obviously seriously influences the kind of life he leads, not always for the better. But he accepts his destiny and tries to make the best of it. In this particular book, he uses his gift to stop an evil man from committing his planned crimes. It works of course, but not without consequences.
I found the idea for the story better than the story itself, for some reason. The only time that I was remotely excited about the book is at the end, after a twist in the story line that I totally wasn't expecting. That part is still on my mind.
I'm kind of curious about the next book in the series, but I'm not sure it's worth it. What do you think?
Challenges: 1st in a series, Celebrate the Author, Suspense and Thriller Challenge
I've read all the Odd Thomas books and my overall opinion is that I think the stories are silly bordering on stupid, but I like the character of Odd so much that I'll keep reading them as long as Koontz cares to write them. :-)
Hmmm, maybe I'll have to try the second one sometime then!
I have to agree with Lezlie...Love Odd the character....the stories leave someting to be desired, however her I am searching the web looking to see if there will be a fifth book, cuz I really didn't like the ending of Odd Hours and what to know what happens to him next! Does anyone know if there is another book in the works?? Ugh....
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