Well, yesterday I went over to see what Trish was up to and low and behold, not only is she joining this challenge, she has (with Nymeth's help) come up with a list of basic books that should be read! I can't not steal this list and read from it as well. I simply can't.
So here it is, I'm officially joining the Arthurian Challenge, which runs from April 2009 to March 2010 and I can read as few or as many books as I wish. :-)
Completed: 0 as of 8 April 2009
King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table - Roger Lancelyn Green
The Age of Chivalry - Thomas Bulfinch
The Once and Future King - TH White
The Mists of Avalon - Marion Zimmer Bradley
I hope you enjoy the books!
I've also added The Merlin Trilogy by Mary Stewart onto the list. Seems like most people read them in grade school, so they might be easier to digest? Have fun--I'll look forward to reading these with you!!
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