It's very, very short and is based on some very, very simple principles. Basically, he says that thin people don't obsess about food as much as overweight people, they just eat when they're hungry. Paul McKenna tries to change the reader's brain programming to think more like a naturally thin person and develop a healthier attitude to food.
I liked reading it and I've already been putting some of the principles into practice and doing some of the excercises and the weight is starting to come off. I've been struggling with my weight since I quit smoking two years ago now. I just can't seem to shift it... the simplicity of this book makes sense to me so hopefully I'll continue on this track.
The book comes with a CD too, but I haven't had the courage to listen to it yet. It says that you shouldn't listen to it while driving or operating machinery so I suppose it's proper self-hypnosis. Has anyone tried anything like this?
Challenges: 999 Challenge, A-Z Challenge, Dewey Decimal Challenge (613.25019)
Hey There, i have used Paul Mckenna's system twice, the first time I lost 25 kgs (55 pounds) in 12 weeks, then I had an illness and didnt listen to the cds, and within a year i had put my weight back on, I recently felt that its time to get sorted again. And pulled out the book and CD, its nearly the end of week 3 and I have lost 8kgs (17.6 pounds).
The cd is very pleasant to listen to and helps the brain subconiously incorporate the 4 steps, outlined in the book. I dont think you would have to listen to the CD for life, but to keep on track once you have reached your goal, I would listen to it occasionally.
Dont hesitate, just go for it, Moni
Hi Moni - I've been using it for the most part and the weight is coming off... I feel healthier too, I don't eat as much junk and I don't binge. I guess the knowledge that I can have whatever I want whenever I want keeps me from binging etc! Thanks for the info about the cd, I'll give it a shot!
please let me know how it goes for you....i am so excited about this technique, after spending years depriving myself and then beating myself up when i fail. i am telling everyone that will listen that this system is great...best of luck to you.
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