I love Anne. I've loved her from the first time I read the books and I loved her even more after I saw the Canadian films. All the characters are so beautifully written. And teh stories are so simple and yet what else do you need from a story? Or from life for that matter. I think that's one of the main things I love about the Anne books - Montgomery simplifies life somehow and finds beauty in everything. Isn't that a lovely thing to strive for?
I also love the fact that now that I started I have to go on and read the rest of the series. Yay! :-)
Challenges: 888 Challenge, Classics Challenge
I've watched the movies multiple times, but I don't think I've ever read the books. I'd love to..
I read the "Anne of Green Gables" series when I was a kid. I flew right through the series while on a beach vacation, my parents would take me to buy one at the bookstore every day to bring to the beach on that vacation. I loved Anne, as much as an adult as when I was a child. If you really loved the series, you should travel to Prince Edward Island someday. It's really something to see where the books are based, and see an Anne theatre production!!
Charley - oh the books are SO good!
Crafty Mama - going to PEI is a dream of mine and I really hope to actually do it one of these years! I'm sure it's spectacular.
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