In the second book, Anne of Avonlea, we get more of life in Green Gables and its surroundings, this time with the addition of Davy and Dora, twins who are now under Marilla and Anne's care. Anne has started teaching and is trying out her methods, with mixed success. By the end of the book she's quite the young woman and off to college - can't wait to start the next one now.
I love Anne. There is no limit to how many times I can say that on this blog. She's a beautiful character and the books are simply magical. Oh and the films made by Canadian tv are amazing too. If you still haven't discovered this series, it's time! :-)
Challenges: 999 Challenge, Centuries Challenge, Childhood Favorites
I really must read these.
Oh you MUST!!! Now! :-)
I love Anne too! I think these books are fab.
Scrap girl - they sure are!!
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